Personal Photo Project 2019: Am I Still a City Girl? | Boston Family Photographer
While these photos were taken in week four, I’m very behind on this project! I’m at once embarrassed to have fallen short of one of my new year’s resolutions so quickly, and also thrilled to find myself photographing so many fun projects that there just aren’t enough daylight hours for a lot of personal photography. It’s sort of a dream come true, if I’m being honest.
These photos were taken on a Monday afternoon early in February when I went into the city to hang out with my cousin.
It still feels funny to talk about going into Boston proper—so close!—to see my cousin because we only became reacquainted in the last few months. Despite the fact that we’ve both lived here for the past 13 years, we didn’t grow up together so we didn’t know each other.
But I’m so happy that I get to see her often these days because we have so much in common and she’s a ton of fun to hang out with! There’s something so comforting about having a member of my own family nearby.
In fact, we were having so much fun that I didn’t break out my camera until sunset as I was walking over to James’ office to have dinner.
Sometimes I miss living in the city. I love living the slow life in the country, but I also love popping into the city to re-energize. There’s just something about all those people with all those ideas in such a beautiful place.
Walking from the Back Bay to the Financial District, I heard people speaking a bunch of different languages. I saw a woman feeding the biggest squirrels I’ve ever seen. And I saw a jaunty man in a blazer and a scarf who was one baguette shy of being a quintessential black-and-white photo of a Frenchman.
It was one of the warmest days of this winter; a reminder that spring is right around the corner. As I type this it’s snowing, but days like this one keep my heart warm enough that I think I’ll make it through until the world is in full bloom again.
P.S. Much of my work at this time of year is focused on personal branding and small businesses. If you’d like to see what I’m up to, check out the Joy LeDuc Studio site!