Family Beach Photos in New England | Boston Family Photographer


I have to admit that I haven’t been to the beach in New England very much, despite living here for over a decade, so I was pretty excited when my friend Rachel proposed a beach session for her family photos this year!

Since Rachel and I originally met in Hawaii when she was my sister’s roommate wayyyyyyy back, the beach seemed especially perfect.

We took advantage of the sun and the warmth on this September Sunday, and everything seemed to glow just for us at sunset.

Little Paige had a great time splashing around in the water, but I also got to capture some of her quieter moments. She gave us a glimpse into the young lady she’s growing into.

One of the things I love most about family photo sessions is that it’s dedicated time for families to connect. No screens, no obligations, just space to love on each other and truly connect. This family is so great at being present with one another. I loved capturing it on camera.

And, oh, that pink sunset! Be still, my beating heart.

I’m now obsessed with taking family photos at the beach and can’t wait to do more! Thank you, Rachel and Dave, for letting me capture these sweet moments with your family.