Family Photos with Teens and Tweens | Boston Family Photographer
I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but my niece and nephew are tween and teen respectively.
They were born long before I became a family photographer, so it’s only over the past several years that I’ve been able to document their growth. Now, thanks to their dad’s gorgeous Polynesian genes, they’re both taller than me!
When they flew from Hawaii to Massachusetts to visit us, I insisted on getting their family memories on camera.
Families often give up on family photos by the time their kids are this age. I don’t blame them. Kids this age can be unenthusiastic about family photos—and moody. Believe me, I was one of those kids, too!
Our parents had us take family photos all the way through high school, in a dark little studio in Hawaii, and I always dreaded it (even though the photographer was the nicest man in the world). But family photography today is so much different and so much more fun.
I promise I’m not just saying that because I’m the photographer now!
It’s because the goal for family photos today is to capture real connection between family members. You don’t have to hold still and look at the camera—in fact, I don’t want you to look at the camera. I would rather you look at each other and ignore me all together.
Traditional, old time-y portraiture looks that way because it used to take a long time to take a photo. Cameras were slow. But guys, my camera is FAST and so am I, and so I want you to move and laugh. I want to capture the changing dynamics between family members as quickly as they come and go.
My parents said it best: "It’s really hard to capture natural looking photos of the kids at this age.”
When it comes down to it, my secret is this: to have them forget about the camera.
Yes, they’ll be embarrassed and likely feel awkward about the things you want them to do. But in their embarrassment, if they’re walking and laughing and piggybacking their siblings, they’ll loosen up and look like the beautiful beings you know are in there.
I wish that more families would take photos with their older kids, because these are memories you’ll want to hold on to, as well. You’ll want to look back without a big gap in your family’s history and see that, yes, they have been your babies all along.
P.S. I’ll be doing mini sessions on Oahu on August 24th and 25th! If you’re in Hawaii or will be in August, I’d love to take your photos. More details here!