How to Capture Your Kids' True Personalities on Camera | Boston Family Photographer


The title of this post is a little misleading, because it isn’t just about capturing your kids’ true personalities in your family photos, but yours as well!

One of the things that people notice most often about my photos is that people look very natural. I love it when people tell me that because that’s exactly what I’m aiming for! But that comment is often followed by, “My family is definitely not that comfortable in front of the camera.”

Guess what? Almost no one is! The reason they look so natural is because I’m guiding them to interact in a way that incorporates so much connection, movement, and interaction that they forget the camera is even there.

Here are a few of the directions that I find work the best for kiddos:

  • Run to that tree and when I call your name, look over your shoulder at me!

  • (For siblings) Look at the person who has the stinkiest feet!

  • Chase your sister/brother around mom and dad!

The movement, the slight bit of controlled chaos, is what makes these photos feel so organic. People are always slightly surprised by how beautiful their families look afterward, but it’s because these normal, moment-by-moment interactions are what make families so beautiful.

This family included their au pair in their portrait session, which brought out even more fun moments!

Incorporating movement and fun prompts into your family session keeps everyone happy! It’s the reason why, at the end of most of my sessions, surprised dads say, “That was actually fun!”

Ready to have fun during your own family portrait session? I’d love to hear from you!

FamilyJoy LeDuc