Travel Dates in 2019 | Lifestyle Family Photographer


Although I’m a Greater Boston family photographer, my heart actually belongs to a couple of other cities, too.

In each of these cities, I’ve made friends who have felt like family, fallen in love with particular shops and restaurants, and then come back to New England happy to be in this home but homesick for the others.

Luckily for me, I’m going to be in all four cities that I call home—and we’re even going to a bonus city!

If you happen to be in any of these places and would like your own photo shoot, family or otherwise, please get in touch soon. Space is limited and I already have at least one photo shoot scheduled for each city at this point.

Charleston, South Carolina: February 28th and 29th

London, England: May 20-27

Portland, Oregon: July 11-18

Honolulu, Hawaii: Second half of December

The rest of the year, I’ll be here in New England serving families and the businesses and professionals that I work with over on the Joy LeDuc Studio side of things. In other words, local families: I’m here for you too!