What to Do When Kids Hate Having Their Photos Taken | Boston Family Photographer


My dear friends in Sudbury, Massachusetts have two beautiful daughters, one of whom hates having her photo taken by anyone outside of their family. Of course, as a family photographer this is something that I run into from time to time, and here’s how we deal with it: play and long lenses.

By focusing on playing, there’s less tension and anxiety for the kiddo in question. For every family, regardless of how their kids feel about photos, my suggestion to parents is to focus on their kids. This helps everyone to relax and ease into the session.

Long lenses allow me to stay pretty far away from your family so that it’s almost as though I’m not there. While I don’t have a paparazzi-style lens, I do have some pretty decently long lenses that will give your kiddos time to warm up and get into the snuggling and playing that you want to capture for your family memories.

And lastly, when all else fails, we take the attention off of them and put it elsewhere—on you!

Or their siblings, if they’re hamming it up like this sweetie was.

We captured some beautiful memories last fall, and I know we’ll get even more at their family session this September!

P.S. Have you scheduled your fall family session yet? Spots are already booking up quickly, so get in touch now if you want to secure a spot!